Turkish Black Carrot Juice Recipe


  • 1/4 Cup Of Goldrush Sourdough Starter
  • 1 3/4 Cups Of Bulgur Flour
  • 1 Pound Of Sliced Turkish Black Carrots
  • 1/2 Liter Of Premade Turkish Salgam
  • 1/4 Cup Of Granulated Kosher Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Of Chopped Turnips
  • 3 Liters Of Cold Spring Water


  • Serving Size 1
  • 80 Calories Per Serving
  • 0 Grams of Fat

Preparation instruction

For step one sift together the Bulgar flour, Goldrush sourdough starter, and one quarter of your granulated kosher salt.
Pour in enough water to be able to form a nice dough, then let this dough ferment for four to five days at room temperature. The dough will eventually rise and small crevices will form on the surface.
Next place your formed fermented dough into a large container and then add four parts water to one part dough. Stir the mixture for ten full minutes until most of the dough dissolves.
Next pour this water into another large container, however do not pour in the parts of the dough that did not dissolve, which should be sitting at the bottom.
Next add into the fermented water the remaining kosher salt, the chopped turnips, remaining spring water, the premade Turkish Salgram, and sliced Turkish black carrots. Let this mixture ferment for seven full days at room temperature, or roughly 77 degrees Fahrenheit or 26 degrees Celsius.
Once the called for fermentation time has elapsed, strain the liquid into sealable juice jars, place a lid on the jars, then slide them into the refrigerator. Serve the Turkish black carrot juice cold.
The end juice should taste sour, sweet, and spicy. With regard to the ingredients, they can be purchased at a Turkish market or specialty shop.