Carrot Juice Powder with Almond Milk Recipe


  • 1 Cup Of Raw Organic Almonds
  • 2 Tablespoons Of Green Foods Carrot Juice Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Of Liquid Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Pinch Of Celtic Brand Sea Salt
  • 3 Cups Of Bottled Spring Water
  • 2 Sweet Organic Dates


  • Serving Size 2
  • 229 Calories Per Serving
  • 3 Grams of Fat

Preparation instruction

To get started first you will want to wash off and rinse your raw organic almonds under cool tap water.
Next up place your almonds into a jar and then cover them with water. Let the almonds soak for twelve hours then wash and rinse them off again.
Next place your soaked almonds into your blender along with three cups of bottled spring water and the sweet organic dates. Puree all these ingredients together for one to three minutes, or until you have a silky smooth mixture.
Next strain your blended ingredients through a nut milk bag into a bowl, removing all of the date and almond pulp.
Moving along, next wash and rinse out your blender, then pour the filtered almond milk into it along with the Celtic brand sea salt, liquid vanilla extract, and the tasty Green Foods brand carrot juice powder.
Blend these ingredients together for another minute or two, or until the ingredient disbursement is nice and even.
For the last step you will want to place your finished almond milk into a sealable juice jar, then slide it into the refrigerator to chill for two hours. Once chilled, shake up the almond milk well then serve.