Carrot Juice For kids Recipe


  • 8 Large Fresh Ripe Skinless Carrots
  • 1/8 Cup Of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1 Cup Of Fresh Stemless Strawberries


  • Serving Size 1
  • 178 Calories Per Serving
  • 0 Grams of Fat

Preparation instruction

To get the recipe started first you will want to wash and rinse your carrots and strawberries under cold running water.
Next take out a very sharp kitchen knife and peel the skin from the carrots, as this gives your juice a much sweeter flavor. Next take out your juice machine and plug it in.
You are now ready to begin juicing your fruit and vegetables, so start the process with the intent of producing around one liter of juice.
Make sure that you have a nice backup supply of carrots and strawberries just incase the juice yield is low. Once you have the called for amount of juice within your collection vessel, you can then stir in the sweetened condensed milk.
Stir the juice long enough so that you get a nice creamy and even consistency. When serving the beverage pour it over crushed or cubed ice.
Due to this recipe having a dairy product in it, you will want to consume all of the juice in one sitting, as the milk may curdle if left in the juice over night.